Friday, February 5, 2010

Two and a Half Hours and Counting

Well I have two hours before bible study at the O'hallorrans commences, and I am trying my best to fill up my schedule. I'm sitting here feeling like a drone in my very own house, doing nothing productive nor doing anything that is at all worth something.
Latley I have been wanting to paint. I have found this difficult since I am at a complete loss of supplies. If I wished to dig endlessly though mounds of unpacked moving crates I might find myself successfull; but I would rather not knowing that I would most likely get out into the garage, pumped and ready to begin the scanvenger hunt, then after opening three boxes get tired and traipse out of the garrage frustrated and sweaty. Now that does not sound like the type of thing that is going to get me into the mood for bible study.
I do believe that after writting my spiel about things I will go upstairs to my room, turn off all the lights, and pray for a while. I find it odd, but I do not like praying with high lighting dosages to my cornea's. I know this sounds high maintanence but it is true. Please do not misinterpret this by thinking that if the lights are on in a room I will refuse to pray like a temperamental child, because that is false. I do pray in well lit rooms, especially before church when we have a prayer meeting beginning an hour prior to the beginning of service. I pray everywhere essentially, but when I want to have time with just me and God I find that turning off the lights and putting myself into a quiet place helps take away many of the distractions that I would be faced with other ways.
I am looking forward to bible study, I greatly enjoy minute that I get to spend with my congregation and some of our new converts. We have two new girls who have been coming regularly for a while now. One is named Heaven, she has a very blunt personality but seems to take direction shockingly well, especially since I hear stories about how she has responded to some of her teachers or authority figures in the past. She is only 14, and I find that is a very tender age, so we are being sure to take that into consideration when dealing with her, but we find that despite the lack of dicsipline that she has been raised with, she almost longs for it. She tests the waters regularly alike any teenager would especially one in her condition. I have found her salvation and testimony very refreshing. She has only been coming for about a month, but God has been continually making differences in her, even from the very start. She was filled with the holy spirit and her demeanor in general has changed quite a bit as well. I am looking forward to watching her grow up as a church kid, because she is at the age where she will begin to grow up very soon.
The second girl who has been coming for about two maybe three weeks is named Yani. She is sixteen and finds herself pregnant. Her personality is completley different from that of Heaven's. Yani is seemingly quiet and calmer, but she has such a good sense of humor. She shows maturity beyond her years. She is also between homes at the moment with various level's of family issues, so many of our church members have taken her in, and are ensuring that she is going to school and that she has a place to stay every night. She alike Heaven has been doing this (jumping between homes) since they have arrived, and I feel that it is defentley building a trust between them and our congregation. I can see that they really feel at home with us, and I hope that they never loose that sense of belonging.
I am looking forward to what God is going to continue doing in both their lives.
-Toby K.

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