Today we have a prayer meeting. It will be Pastor's last meeting (remember he's leaving to New Mexico in a week), and my first meeting with him present. What will take place will be a sanctioning off of groups where we will have corporate prayer (this is when we go around in a circle giving prayer requests and praying after each request), we usually go around the group once or twice then have one final prayer on various prayer requests. If there is time after we will seperate into our own areas and pray until the meeting is over at 8:00pm, after the total hour of prayer (minus the few minutes of chit-chat thrown thoughout).
I find corporate prayer rather rejuvenating. With corporate prayer comes a very livley atmosphere. It is quite addicting, praying with groups of people. It is also nice, because if you loose your train of thought (side note: as I wrote this the train next to my house went by tooting its horn, "toot toot") you can simply build off the prayers of the people around you, much like a piggy-back prayer. Some may see that as prayer-cheating, but I just see it as unnoticed support.
Today unlike yesturday my schedule is empty. I have nothing to do. I went to school this morning and got home around 1:30pm after going to the doctor to get my TB test checked; and incase your wondering, no I do not have tuberculosis, wooh. If it was under my own discretion I would have not gotten the test in the first place, but starting in two weeks I will be interning at the hospital, and inorder for me to even think about working at the hospital they would like to ensure that I do not contain a destructive bacterium that could potentially harm the patients I will be interacting with. I also was forced to take the H1N1 vaccince so that I may be aloud to step through the doors of the birthing center.
So now I am at home, with an arm pricked, a forearm cleared of disease, and a schedule dull as an old forgotten knife. How immensely exciting, I know.
-Toby K.
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